Modeling of Information Processes in Analytical Activity
The aim of the article is to highlight the role of modeling in information processes from the point of view of revealing latent (hidden) information, and its impact on effective decision-making in analytics.
Research methods. The methodology of the study was based on general scientific principles of systematicity, complexity, comprehensiveness of knowledge, unity of theory and practice. The achievement of the set goal was facilitated by the use of general scientific methods (review and analytical method, analysis, synthesis, modeling, system approach, generalization), and special ones (bibliographic method, information diagnostics (express analysis)) at the theoretical and empirical levels of research.
Scientific novelty of the study consists in systematization and generalization of certain knowledge (about models and modeling), and new knowledge (about disclosure by modeling latent information in analytics) in the aspect of the present and the prospects for its development within one research.
Main conclusions. In accordance with the main approach in information and analytical activity, the conceptual models construction of information objects, processes and phenomena allows to quickly and systematically reveal latent information about hidden ideas, meanings, external and internal factors influencing the situation, tendencies, patterns of the situation development, cause-and-effect relationships, aims of subjects’ actions, risks, threats, problems, connections (dependencies), power centers, spheres of their interests and other factors that are too important in the process of making balanced and effective decisions. For an analyst/expert, a simplified model of some certain information process (problem) is primarily an ideal option for cognition, saving efforts and resources (mainly, time), as well as a safeguard against making biased conclusions and erroneous (ineffective) offers and recommendations to decision-makers. It was emphasized that the existing extensive species diversity of information models allows the analyst/expert to effectively apply them at any stage of research. A special place in the design of business processes rightfully belongs to modeling. Therefore, modeling of information processes is a universal technique in the analyst’s activity, and a powerful means of achieving efficiency in any practice.
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