Published June 23, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Deposit of Intellectual Activity Results: Challenges and Opportunities of Open Access and Open Science for Ukraine

  • 1. The State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • 2. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts; National University of "Kyiv Mohyla Academy", Ukraine


The aim of the article is to study the place of the process of depositing the intellectual activity results within the paradigm of open science; to summarize relevant international developments; to offer their use for the transformation of the deposit system in Ukraine.

Research methods. The article uses a set of general scientific methods of generalization and analysis, synthesis and forecasting, as well as special library science methods, which made it possible to achieve the declared goal.

Scientific novelty of obtained results lies in grounding the need in modification of policies and procedures for depositing intellectual property results, and the creation of necessary infrastructure, taking into consideration the concepts of open access and open science, as well as the corresponding international practice.

Main conclusions. The open science paradigm implementation is a current world trend, which enables immediate and constant access to the results of scientific research and data. Many challenges are brought about by this tendency for both scientists and those ones in charge of publishing, storing, and preserving data, such as libraries. The transformation of the system of intellectual property results depositing in Ukraine should take into account the best international experience in the development of research infrastructure, and the creation of repositories of publications and data; ensuring their compatibility and interoperability; more active introduction of the culture of preprints and open review; the development of public license and copyright policies; the needs of relevant research and practices in the field of digital curatorship. Especially, all the highlighted above should be viewed in the aspect of the National Open Science Plan which was approved in Ukraine in October, 2022, the need for integration with the European Open Science Cloud, and the new version of the Law of Ukraine “On Copyright and Related Rights”, which has entered into force since January 1, 2023.



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