Published June 17, 2023 | Version 2
Report Open

OASPA Equity in OA Workshop 3 Report

  • 1. Information Power


This is the report from the third workshop in the OASPA Equity in OA series, which took place on 6 June 2023. Participants in this workshop were primarily publishers with some librarians, intermediaries, funders, and other stakeholders.

This workshop built on the first workshop and second workshop in which participants from a wide array of countries discussed why equity is important, current challenges to global equity, and ways to increase equity in two categories of OA models: those where transactions are per-article and those where prices are based on article volume.

Participants in workshop 3 were asked to discuss and refine draft principles for improving equity in models based on per-article transactions. This workshop was focused on the APC model, and the next workshop in the series will focus on other models where APC transactions are not required such as Diamond OA, subsidy models, and collective models.


OASPA Equity in OA Workshop3 report _ final 28 June 2023.pdf

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