Published June 24, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Review of Christina Civantos, "The Afterlife of al-Andalus: Muslim Iberia in Contemporary Arab and Hispanic Narratives", in 'Journal of Postcolonial Writing', 3 Oct. 2022

  • 1. Instituto de Lenguas y Culturas del Mediterraneo - Consejo Superior de Investigación Científica


This article reviews The Afterlife of al-Andalus: Muslim Iberia in Contemporary Arab and Hispanic Narratives, a book written by the Cuban American scholar Christina Civantos in which she analyzes a number of twentieth and tweny-first-century literary and visual texts that centre on al-Andalus – Iberia under Muslim rule – and different Andalusi historical figures by authors from the Arab-Muslim and Hispanic worlds.

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SAIFI-The Afterlife of al-Andalus, written by Christina Civantos.pdf

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MIDA – Mediating Islam in the Digital Age. Present issues and past experiences of technological revolutions 813547
European Commission