Design and Construction of Kinetic Turbine External Hinged Blade as A Picohydro Scale Power Plant
- 1. Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Manado State Polytechnic, Manado, Indonesia.
- 2. Lecturer, Department of Electrical Engineering, The Manado State Polytechnic, Manado, Indonesia.
- 3. Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Manado State Polytechnic, Manado, Indonesia.
Contact person:
- 1. Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Manado State Polytechnic, Manado, Indonesia.
Abstract: The problem of energy shortage is still a global problem which is especially felt in developing countries whose residents live in villages, which still require the development of more efficient energy sources. Limited fossil fuels make water energy the best energy option. The problem of meeting the availability of electricity in rural areas by utilizing water energy as new and renewable energy is a long-term goal in this research. The current research on kinetic turbines is a combination of two types of waterwheels, which have a vertical axis (overshot and swell turbines). The vertical shaft is made so that the generator is easier to install and all the blades get a boost in the flow of water. Most water turbines have fixed blades. In this research, the target of the novelty is a kinetic turbine with a vertical shaft which has a hinged blade. Hinged blades are blades that can move when the flow of water hits the blades, so that on one side of the turbine it will reduce the negative torque and on the other hand it will increase the rotation of the turbine. The results of the research that became the target, namely, obtained a turbine design that has more optimal turbine power and efficiency, compared to a turbine that has a fixed blade, so that this externally hinged blade kinetic turbine can contribute to the provision of rural electrical energy. This research method is an experiment by doing independent variations on the number of blades, and blade 10 has an optimum power value of 59.01 Watt.
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- ISSN: 2278-3075 (Online)
- Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijitee.A93671212122
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- Publisher: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)