Published June 20, 2023 | Version v1
Poster Open

Digital thematic research collection - the case of ethnological Collection of research reports

  • 1. Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology Slovak Academy of Sciences


Collection of research reports (CRR) was systematically built by experts in ethnology at IESA SAS since 1946. It contains over 1.500 documents recorded in the ethnological field research (a total of 120.000 items). CRR comprehensively covers traditional cultural heritage throughout Slovakia. Documents contain mixed formats such as texts (handwriting/typewriting), photos, drawings, music sheets and textile fabrics. CRR is currently in a state of analog-to-digital conversion. Thematic research collection is an unique collection of primary sources and other materials gathered by scholars to support research on a theme. The aim of the poster is to illustrate the application of two principles of thematic research collection (contextual mass, scholarly contribution) in the ongoing process of digital curation of CRR. It highlights the specificity of research collection (compared to collection as such) and exemplifies the principles on the strategy of digital curation of CRR.

ConfTool ID: 1518


IESA SAS_poster_budapest_dariah 2023.pdf

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