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Published June 17, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

The Increasing Trend of Khula (Redemption) in Modern Times and It's Solution in the Light of Shariah (Research Overview)

  • 1. PhD Scholar, Department of Islamiyat Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University, Peshawar, Pakistan
  • 2. Lecturer, Department of Islamiyat Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University, Peshawar, Pakistan
  • 3. Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Studies Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University, Peshawar, Pakistan


Khula in exchange for property is a form of redemption, for which women must accept. Khula cannot occur without her acceptance, and its words are fixed, and other words cannot be said. There is nothing wrong with divorcing if there is a difference of opinion between husband and wife, and there is a worry that they will not be able to follow Shariah rules. The divorce becomes obligatory, and it is obligatory to follow it and give the rest of the property to the woman.  It depends on the acceptance of the woman that if the woman accepts giving the property, then divorce will be mandatory. Therefore, if the husband utters the words of divorce and the woman has not yet accepted them, then the husband does not have the right to appeal, nor does the husband have any condition. The change in the husband's assembly invalidated the khilafah. The husband said that I have divorced you and did not mention the property, so it is not divorced but Talaq-eBayin, and there is no restriction on the acceptance of the woman. The aim of this research paper is to explain the increasing trend of Khula (Redemption) in modern times and  Its solution in the light of Shariah.



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