Language features of the names of complex homeopathic medicines presented on the ukrainian pharmaceutical market
Introduction. The intensity of development, production and use of homeopathic medicines has been increasing both in Ukraine and throughout the world. The relevance of the research is due to the rapid growth of industrial production of combined homeopathic medicines, and hence the need for research and systematization of homeopathic terminology and nomenclature. The purpose of the article is a structural and semantic analysis of the names of complex homeopathic medicines that are most widely represented in Ukraine. The task of the analysis is to investigate the methods of creating the names of combined homeopathic medicines, to identify general approaches to the construction of the names of medicines common to all manufacturers of homeopathic drugs, as well as individual features of individual companies. Material & methods. The object of the study is the names of combined homeopathic medicines specified in two documents: the State Register of Medicines (the "Homeopathic Medicines" section, which contains a list of 553 homeopathic medicines, including different dosages of certain medicines) and Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 876 dated 18.04 2019. "On the approval of the List of medicines allowed for use in Ukraine, which are dispensed without a prescription from pharmacies and their structural subdivisions." The State Register of Medicinal Products contains the drugs of 37 homeopathic manufacturers, five of which are domestic. The list of medicines contains both a larger number of manufacturers and a larger number of homeopathic medicines. As a basis for the analysis, are taken the names of medicines of those manufacturers that are most widely represented in Ukraine. The main research methods are continuous sampling, comparative, descriptive, statistical, component analysis, semantic analysis, and others. Results & discussion. In the analysis process both general approaches to the construction of the names of medicines common to all manufacturers and definite features of individual companies were determined. According to the structure, all the names of homeopathic medicines like the names of allopathic medicines are divided into three groups: one-word, two-word and multi-word. The largest is one-word names group, almost the same number of two-word names is represented while multi-word names are much less common. In general, in the names of homeopathic medicines, there is an indication of the name of the disease, painful condition or organ, on which the action of the drugs is directed, the name of the medicinal raw material from which they are made or the active pharmacological substance, which can sometimes be combined with the characteristic of the drug according to its type or purpose. The homeopathic nomenclature is also characterized by the use of an indication of the manufacturer in the names of drugs: Heel, Dr. Theiss, ARN and others. Conclusion. The conducted analysis shows that the names of combined homeopathic remedies are mostly created on the same basis as the trade names of allopathic medicines, i.e. taking into account the consumer psychology. They also share a lexical base: Latin and ancient Greek languages. Some manufacturers of homeopathic products quite consistently follow homeopathic nomenclature traditions, which can be conditionally called "informative", including in the name clear information about the pharmacological and pharmacotherapeutic properties of the medicine, medicinal raw material or active substance. Traditionally, the names of many homeopathic medicines indicate the name of the manufacturing company or the characteristics of the drug by type and purpose. However, recently, the main attention is paid to the linguistic aspects of word creation, the search for short, original, bright and expressive names that would attract attention and be easily remembered. In contrast to short names, the number of descriptive nominative constructions with extended information for a consumer is also increasing: manufacturer, name or list of main ingredients, dosage form, purpose. That is, market priorities come to the fore. This indicates that homeopathic terminology is changing today, developing in the same direction as allopathic, which is also confirmed by the appearance of medicine names formed in national languages, and especially, by the powerful influence of the English language, which is manifested at all levels: lexical, morphological and syntactic, and which has not yet been observed in homeopathic terminology.
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