A Method for Assessing Economic Feasibility in Mechanical Design
- 1. Department of Mechanical, National School of Agro Industrial Sciences, University of Ngaoundere, Ngaoundere, Cameroon.
Abstract: The careful study of the costs of a preliminary design is fundamental for its realization and future operation. The design of mechanical systems requires innovation, creativity through technological research. The related feasibility studies are full of many parameters, not very effective, and take place in a concurrent and varying environment. It is therefore difficult to conduct them effectively. The costs of the factors of the product life cycle are listed in the literature. These are the costs of design, manufacture, distribution, operation, and recycling. Those intrinsic to the expression of its life cycle costs are identified. This allows structuring an approach of economic estimation of the feasibility. The defined cost indicator allows measuring the feasibility of a design project. This "cost" criterion is the basis for indicating the relevant tools and methods for storing the technical data according to the system requirements and for coordinating the partners in conducting the study.
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- ISSN: 2249-8958 (Online)
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- Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijeat.C33390211322
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- Publisher: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
- https://www.blueeyesintelligence.org