CESNET-MINER22-TS: Periodic Behavior Features of Cryptomining Communication
- 1. Czech Technical University in Prague
- 2. CESNET, a.l.e.
CESNET-MINER22-TS: Periodic Behavior Features of Cryptomining Communication
Datasets were created for the paper: Enhancing DeCrypto: Finding Cryptocurrency Miners Based on Periodic Behavior -- Josef Koumar, Richard Plný, Tomáš Čejka -- which was published at The 19th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM) 2023. Please cite usage of our datasets as:
J. Koumar, R. Plný and T. Čejka, "Enhancing DeCrypto: Finding Cryptocurrency Miners Based on Periodic Behavior," 2023 19th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM), Niagara Falls, ON, Canada, 2023, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.23919/CNSM59352.2023.10327904.
The files cesnet_miner22_design_with_FTS_proba.zip and cesnet_miner22_evaluation_with_FTS_proba.zip contain one .csv file with IP flows. The IP flows were taken from the CESNET-MINER22 dataset [1], which was created by monitoring national research and educational network CESNET2. Furthermore, we add two features ID_DEPENDENCY (string) and PERIODICITY_PROBA (double). ID_DEPENDENCY is an ID of a network dependency (see the article [2]) and the PERIODICITY_PROBA is the predicted probability by FTS analysis. The files from periodicity_features.zip contain periodic behavior features for Machine Learning. The files names are in format "{evaluation/design}.periodicity_features.{TIME_INTERVAL}.{SIG_SPACE}.{PER_LEVEL}.csv" and have the following format of columns:
- id_dependency -- Identification of a network dependency observed as a Flow time series (FTS).
- label -- The labels ("Miner" or "Other") of periodic FTS.
- packet_value -- Value of Clear periodic behavior of the metric packet.
- packet_value_x -- Value of the interval's lower value of Sinusoidal periodic behavior of the metric packets.
- packet_value_y -- Value of the interval's upper value of Sinusoidal periodic behavior of the metric packets.
- packet_mean -- Mean value of the metric packet.
- packet_std -- Standard deviation value of the metric packet.
- packet_skewness -- Skewness value of the metric packet.
- packet_kurtosis -- Kurtosis value of the metric packet.
- bytes_value -- Value of Clear periodic behavior of the metric bytes.
- bytes_value_x -- Value of the interval's lower value of Sinusoidal periodic behavior of the metric bytes.
- bytes_value_y -- Value of the interval's upper value of Sinusoidal periodic behavior of the metric bytes.
- bytes_mean -- Mean value of the metric bytes.
- bytes_std -- Standard deviation value of the metric bytes.
- bytes_skewness -- Skewness value of the metric bytes.
- bytes_kurtosis -- Kurtosis value of the metric bytes.
- duration_value -- Value of Clear periodic behavior of the metric duration.
- duration_value_x -- Value of the interval's lower value of Sinusoidal periodic behavior of the metric duration.
- duration_value_y -- Value of the interval's upper value of Sinusoidal periodic behavior of the metric duration.
- duration_mean -- Mean value of the metric duration.
- duration_std -- Standard deviation value of the metric duration.
- duration_skewness -- Skewness value of the metric duration.
- duration_kurtosis -- Kurtosis value of the metric duration.
- difftimes_value -- Value of Clear periodic behavior of the metric difftimes.
- difftimes_value_x -- Value of the interval's lower value of Sinusoidal periodic behavior of the metric difftimes.
- difftimes_value_y -- Value of the interval's upper value of Sinusoidal periodic behavior of the metric difftimes.
- difftimes_mean -- Mean value of the metric difftimes.
- difftimes_std -- Standard deviation value of the metric difftimes.
- difftimes_skewness -- Skewness value of the metric difftimes.
- difftimes_kurtosis -- Kurtosis value of the metric difftimes.
- max_power -- Represent the maximum power of the LS periodogram.
- max_frequency -- Describe the frequency of the maximum power of the LS periodogram.
- min_power -- Represent the minimum power of the LS periodogram.
- min_frequency -- Describe the frequency of the minimum power of the LS periodogram.
- spectral_energy -- Represents the total energy present at all frequencies in LS periodogram.
- spectral_entropy -- The degree of randomness or disorder in the LS periodogram.
- spectral_kurtosis -- Indicates a nonstationary or non-Gaussian behavior in the power spectrum.
- spectral_skewness -- The measure of peakedness or flatness of power spectrum.
- spectral_rolloff -- It is defined as frequency below 85% of the distribution power.
- spectral_cetroid -- Indicates at which frequency the energy of a spectrum is centered upon.
- spectral_spread -- It is the difference between the highest and lowest frequency in the power spectrum.
- spectral_slope -- The slope of the power spectrum trend in a given frequency range.
- spectral_crest -- Refers to the rate of shift of the sign of a wave, which is the rate of change from negative to positive or the reverse.
- spectral_flux -- The rate of change of periodogram power with increasing frequency.
- spectral_bandwidth -- Describes the difference between upper and lower frequencies at which spectral energy is half its maximum value.
The files from time_series.zip contain FTS of used time interval. The file names are in format "{evaluation/design}.time_series.{TIME_INTERVAL}.csv" and have the following format of columns:
- ID_DEPENDENCY -- Identification of a network dependency observed as a FTS.
- N_FLOWS -- Number of flows in time series, i.e., number of data points.
- N_PACKETS -- Number of packets in time series, i.e., the sum of metric PACKETS.
- N_BYTES -- Number of bytes in time series, i.e., the sum of metric PACKETS.
- PACKETS -- The array containing the time series metric number of packets in the IP flow.
- BYTES -- The array containing the time series metric number of bytes in the IP flow.
- START_TIMES -- The array containing the time series time axis of the flows starts.
- END_TIMES -- The array containing the time series time axis of the flows ends.
- LABELS -- The array of labels ("Miner" of "Other") of each datapoint.
[1] Richard Plný et al. CESNET-MINER22: Datasets of Cryptomining Communication. Zenodo, October 2022.
[2] Koumar, Josef, and Tomáš Čejka. "Network traffic classification based on periodic behavior detection." 2022 18th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM). IEEE, 2022.
Additional details
- Richard Plný et al. CESNET-MINER22: Datasets of Cryptomining Communication. Zenodo, October 2022.
- Koumar, Josef, and Tomáš Čejka. "Network traffic classification based on periodic behavior detection." 2022 18th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM). IEEE, 2022.