Published January 12, 2017 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

"Requirement analysis (Network and Storage) and porting roadmap", ExaNeSt project Deliverable D2.2


The partners participating in WP2 have identified the applications suitable to contribute to development and evaluation of the technology platform, as reported in D2.1.

The core of T2.2 of WP2 consists in porting those identified applications to the ExaNeSt Prototype.
This document details the plan for this action.

As first, the preliminary basic requirements that the applications pose to the platform are assessed in terms of system attributes. Those are both on the hardware, such as storage and network requirements, and on system software requirements, such as operating system, compilers, extensions (e.g. vectorization capabilities or openMP/openCL API level), low level libraries
(message passing, e.g. MPI, multithreading, e.g. pthreads or standard different than POSIX).

Then, for each application the partners will describe the porting strategy to adapt them or their core algorithms and tasks, to the new target platform.

The activity, in the co-design perspective, involves an incremental and iterative approach with continuous interactions with WP3, WP4 and WP5.

This document details this porting strategy and the foreseen roadmap for it, keeping in mind that the final deliverable of T2.2 consists of a series of performance benchmarks to validate the network and storage infrastructure as well as the performance of the overall infrastructure.


ExaNeSt project Deliverable D2.2



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European Commission
ExaNeSt – European Exascale System Interconnect and Storage 671553