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Published June 9, 2023 | Version 1.00
Dataset Open

Lists of stopwords and AnAwords of Bosnian language

  • 1. University of Primorska, UP FAMNIT


The dataset comprises two lists, a list of stopwords and a list of AnAwords of the Bosnian language.

Stopwords refer to a set of words contained in a stop list that are deliberately filtered out or "stopped" during the processing of natural language data, specifically text. These words are typically common and frequently occurring words in a language that are considered to have little or no significance in determining the meaning or context of a text.

AnAwords refer to a set of words primarily functioning as intensifiers and diminishers, often manifesting as adverbs of manner and adjectives. The compilation of AnAwords is based on categorization, which includes six sublists: maximizers, boosters, approximators, relative intensifiers, diminishers, and minimizers.



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