Published April 30, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Analysis of Waste-free Processing of Dairy Raw Materials Implementation Issues in Industrial Conditions

  • 1. State Biotechnology University, Ukraine
  • 2. Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mykhailo Tugan-Baranovsky, Ukraine


Topicality. Today, the existing innovative developments of dairy food products have great opportunities for the wide implementation of various types and quality of dairy raw materials into production. After all, many inventions directly relate to technologies for the production of fermented milk products, bakery and confectionery products, beverages, health products, etc. This requires the use of a certain type of dairy raw materials. The problem is that there are many such products, and with the increase in the production capacity of food enterprises, there is a necessity to enlarge the number of implementations of the production of dairy products. Currently, in food industry, the number of such implementations which would provide our population with the necessary amount of scarce animal protein is insignificant. In addition, under such circumstances, people’s nutrition becomes too unbalanced, especially in the winter season. An equally important problem of new waste-free technologies implementation is a weak experimental base for creating new competitive equipment in laboratory conditions. The developed model of the process, equipment or the entire line will not have a sense without the implementation of cer tain investment contributions.

The aim of this article is to reveal the main points, to choose the optimal solutions for the complex waste-free processing of dairy raw materials, and to avoid crisis situations, as well as to highlight the most precise directions in which the improvement of the general process itself should be carried out, to provide some explanations and suggestions for avoiding the main problems in the field of processing dairy raw materials.

Research methods: analytical, standard generally accepted physical and chemical, as well as monographic, analysis and synthesis, classification.

Results. An analysis of technological, technical and organizational issues is provided, the solution of which will allow the implementation of innovative solutions for waste-free processing of dairy raw materials in the conditions of food industry. The qualitative indicators of protein-carbohydrate dairy raw materials for further implementation in the production of dairy products are shown, and the needs of future production in another raw materials base are analyzed. Taking into account the seasonal distribution of usage in waste-free production of certain types of raw materials will ensure its reliable and stable operation with the simultaneous expansion of the final products range. A variant of technical equipment of the future zero-waste production for the processing of dairy raw materials and its maintenance is developed. A clear and well-considered choice of technology and equipment for modernization or creation of new lines of waste-free processing of dairy raw materials and means of its sanitary processing will allow to increase the competitiveness of final products and bring production to a modern level.

Conclusions and discussion. A number of issues that must be taken into account when organizing a future enterprise for the production of dairy products using zero-waste technologies are presented. An analysis of investment needs for the development of the chosen direction for the effective organization of the future milk processing enterprise is provided.



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