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Published May 31, 2017 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. Research Scholar, Mangalore University, Karnataka & Lecturer, Srinivas Institute of Management Studies, Mangalore, Karnataka
  • 2. Research Guide and Principal, University College, Mangalore, Karnataka
  • 3. Research Scholar, Alliance University, Bengaluru & Assistant Professor, Srinivas Institute of Management Studies, Pandeshwar, Karnataka


Consumers are the king in the modern business world. They are one who buys goods for their consumption to meet their aspirations.  Fulfilling consumer desire is the ultimate goal of marketing activities. Indian business are highly influenced by the rapid changes in the technology, improved economic systems, higher purchasing power of consumers, changing life style, online marketing and retail opportunities. Organised retail business has facilitated towards bringing drastic changes in the buying behaviour among consumers. Consumer behaviour is dynamic in nature. Hence, exact prediction, about future sustainable growth of the business prospects upon consumer behaviour is a challenge. Moulding marketing strategies to meet changing consumer needs should be planned well by the business entities. This study is descriptive in nature where the researcher used secondary sources of data from research Journals, books, Company Reports, Newspapers, and Magazines etc. This paper explores on various dimensions of changing consumer preference and consumer behaviour over the fast moving consumable goods, identifies the shift in consumer behaviour through analysing the impact over manufacturing units to become consumer centric and suggests measures to the organisations to formulate consumer centric marketing strategies.



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