Published September 26, 2022 | Version 1.0
Presentation Open

Upotreba sekundarnih podataka u naučnim instraživanjima [Online Workshop]

  • 1. Data Centre Serbia for Social Sciences / Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia
  • 2. Observatory of Social Innovations, Novi Sad, Serbia
  • 3. Institute of Technical Sciences of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, Serbia
  • 4. Institute of Nuclear Sciences "Vinca", Belgrade, Serbia


The workshop "Use of secondary data in scientific research" has been opened by presenting microdata from international studies like the Community Innovation Survey, European Social Survey, PISA, Labour force survey and others. The workshop proceeds with practical advice on how to prepare data to be easily findable and accessible on the web, and tips on how to find other data, with FAIR principles explained in detail. The last part of the workshop presents the CESSDA ERIC as an European consortium of data archives in the social sciences. First, the CESSDA Agenda is explained, with coverage of the main pillars – Trust, Training, Technology and Tools & Services. The central data hub in CESSDA is the Data Catalogue (CDC) which is presented thoroughly. Additionally, the presentation covers other CESSDA services, ELLST (European Language Social Science Thesaurus), CESSDA Vocabulary Service, CESSDA Resource Directory, CESSDA Metadata Validator and European Question Bank.

The video is available on the CESSDA Training YouTube channel.



Secondary Data in Scientific Research_CESSDA_Webinar_2022.pdf

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