Published June 6, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

The modern methods of using games in teaching foreign language.

  • 1. Ferghana State University, senior teacher
  • 2. 2nd-year student


This article discusses the benefits and unique methods of using innovative technology in teaching the English language. Throughout the article, various new and modern types of innovative technology are presented, along with specific ways to utilize them. The article concludes with scientific conclusions and thoughts.


Umaralieva Munojat Mashrabovna 178-180.pdf

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  • 1. Bekmuratova U. B. "The use of innovative technology to teach English" - Tashkent, 2012
  • 2. Mukhammadyanov, F. M. "The difficulties that middle school students face when learning English."
  • 3. Johnson, K. E. "The Sociocultural Turn and Its Challenges for Second Language Teacher Education." TESOL Quarterly., London, 2006.
  • 4. Harmer J. "The Practice of English Language Teaching." - London, 2001.
  • 5. Passov E. I. "The communicative method of foreign language teaching." - Moscow, 1985.