Calamotropha bleszynskii Kim & Qi & Wang & Li 2023, sp. nov.
- 1. College of Life Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China
- 2. College of Life Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China & qimujie @ 163. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 1931 - 8401
- 3. College of Life Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China & shxwang @ nankai. edu. cn; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 9316 - 6661
- 4. College of Life Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China & College of Life and Geographic Sciences, Kashi University, Kashi 844000, China; Xinjiang Key Laboratory of Biological Resources and Ecology of Pamirs Plateau, Kashi 844000, China
Calamotropha bleszynskii Kim & Li, sp. nov.
(Figs 5, 31, 53)
Calamotropha sienkiewiczi Bleszynski, 1961: 190. TL: China. TD: NHMUK. Mismatching.
Type material. Holotype ♁, Chongqing, Mt. Jinyin, Youyang County, 660 m, 25.VII.2012, leg. YH Sun et al., slide No. KYN21324. Paratypes (10♁ 6♀): Hubei: 3♁ 2♀, Taohuachong (30.99°N, 116.03°E), Yingshan County, 635 m, 25.VI.2014, leg. W Guan et al., slide Nos. KYN21244♁, KYN21493♁, KYN21379 ♀; Sichuan: 3♁, Bifengxia (30.40°N, 102.58°E), Ya'an City, 1115 m, 28.VI.2016, leg. KJ Teng et al., slide No. KYN21205; Zhejiang: 1♁, Ganzhuling (29.72°N, 121.08°E), Simingshan, Yudao City, 853 m, 25.VII.2015, leg. AH Yin et al.; 3♁, Laoan (30.33°N, 119.40°E), Mt. Tianmu, 555 m, 3–5.VII.2014, leg. AH Yin et al., slide No. JXY19038; 1♀, Martyrs' Shrine (30.32°N, 119.45°E), Mt. Tianmu, 365 m, 26.VI.2013, leg. AH Yin et al., slide No. KYN21230; 1♀, Yanping (28.38°N, 119.89°E), Mt. Jiulong, 530 m, 4.VII.2013, leg. AH Yin et al., slide No. KYN21238; 1♀, Laofoyan Village (28.37°N, 118.68°E), Jiangshan City, 413 m, 3.VII.2017, leg. ZG Zhang et al., slide No. KYN21239; 1♀, Huaxi Village (28.38°N, 119.89°E), Anwen Town, Panan County, Jinhua City, 542 m, 28.VII.2015, leg. AH Yin et al., slide No. JXY19027; 1♁, Wuyanling, Taishun, 680 m, 29.VII.2005, leg. YL Xiao, slide No. LWC08331.
Diagnosis. The new species is superficially similar to C. sienkiewiczi Bleszynski, 1961. It can be distinguished by the terminal margin of the forewing with eight black dots on posterior 2/3; in male genitalia by the uniformly thick phallus with a long parrot beak-shaped sclerite at apex and the vesica with a cluster of cornuti; in female genitalia by the semicircular lamella antevaginalis projected ventrally. In C. sienkiewiczi, the terminal margin of the forewing has four black dots on posterior 2/5 (Fig. 26); the distally thickened phallus lacks a sclerite and the vesica has two sets of cornuti (Fig. 48); and the slender elongate lamella postvaginalis is projected caudally (Fig. 68).
Description. Adult (Fig. 5). Wingspan 16.0–22.0 mm. Frons and vertex white. Maxillary palpus pale yellow basally, white distally. Labial palpus with first and second segments white on inner surface, pale yellow on outer surface except second segment brown distally; third segment with basal half white, distal half brown except apex white. Antenna white dorsally, grayish yellow ventrally. Patagium white, with two longitudinal pale yellow stripes on dorsal surface. Thorax and tegula white. Forewing white; medial fascia pale yellow, slightly excurved at anterior 1/4 and posterior 1/4, incurvated medially; yellow spot at starting point and at middle of medial fascia respectively; subterminal fascia pale reddish brown, extending from distal 3/10 of costal margin obliquely outward to anterior 1/3, then oblique inward to dorsum, slightly incurvated at posterior 1/3; costal margin with oblique outward orange yellow stripe before and beyond subterminal fascia, with an orange spot at apex; terminal margin yellow, with eight black dots on posterior 2/3; fringe pale brown, luster. Hindwing white, terminal margin yellowish brown anteriorly; fringe white. Legs white to pale yellow; tarsi of mid- and hindlegs pale yellow and white. Abdomen white.
Male genitalia (Fig. 31). Uncus slender, basal 1/3 widened, with setae, apex rounded. Gnathos about 1.5 X length of uncus, wide at base, narrowed toward apex, reflexed by a right-angle at distal 1/3, obtuse at apex. Valva rectangular, length about 2.2 X width, with a cluster of thick setae running from anterior 1/4 obliquely outward to posterior 1/5, beyond its posterior 1/3 placed a short fold; costa smooth, without setae; longitudinal fold below basal 2/3 of costa and above middle of ventral margin; sclerotized plate from between base of costa and anterior corner of tegumen, extending backward, joined apically. Pseudosaccus digitate, short and small. Saccus about equal to basal width of valva, broad basally, narrowed distally, apex slightly concave at middle. Juxta membranous. Phallus about 1.8 X length of valva, straight; apex with a long parrot beak sclerite bearing a denticle ventroapically; ductus ejaculatorius arising from basal 1/4 of phallus; vesica with multiple spiniform cornuti.
Female genitalia (Fig. 53). Papillae anales ovate. Eighth tergum as long as apophyses posteriores. Apophyses anteriores degenerate. Lamella postvaginalis wider than antrum, with dense wrinkles, slightly concave at middle on posterior margin. Lamella antevaginalis semicircular, projected ventrally. Antrum sub-funnelled, sclerotized, with dense longitudinal folds. Ductus bursae slender; ductus seminalis arising from ductus bursae posteriorly. Corpus bursae ovate, longer than ductus bursae; signum absent.
Distribution. China (Chongqing, Hubei, Sichuan, Zhejiang).
Etymology. The specific epithet is dedicated to the Polish entomologist Stanisław Błeszyński for his contribution in the study of the present genus.
Remarks. Bleszynski (1961) described C. sienkiewiczi Bleszynski, 1961, with female as the holotype and two males as paratypes. One male paratype was neither collected from the same locality nor at the same time as the holotype, and another male paratype was collected from the same locality but at different time. In this study, we collected both male and female specimens in the same locality at the same time in Hubei, and more male and female specimens in Chongqing, Sichuan and Zhejiang. We found that our male is identical to C. sienkiewiczi Bleszynski, 1961, but the female is different from it. Hence we describe male in Bleszynski (1961) as a new species (See C. sienkiewiczi Bleszynski, 1961 for more detail).
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Additional details
- Event date
- 2005-07-29 , 2012-07-25 , 2014-06-25 , 2016-06-28
- Family
- Crambidae
- Genus
- Calamotropha
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Lepidoptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Kim & Qi & Wang & Li
- Species
- bleszynskii
- Taxonomic status
- sp. nov.
- Taxon rank
- species
- Type status
- holotype , paratype
- Verbatim event date
- 2005-07-29/2017-07-03 , 2012-07-25 , 2014-06-25 , 2016-06-28
- Taxonomic concept label
- Calamotropha bleszynskii Kim & Li, 2023
- Bleszynski, S. (1961) Revision of the World species of the Family Crambidae (Lepidoptera). Part I. Genus Calamotropha Zell. Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia, 6 (7), 137 - 272, pls. 20 - 71.