Published April 1, 2023 | Version 1
Journal article Open

Antibiotics Usage in Aquaculture-An Overview

  • 1. Department of Biotechnology, Vikrama Simhapuri University, Nellore-524 324, Andhra Pradesh, India


Antibiotics are used in aquaculture to maintain the health and welfare of stocks; however, the emergence and selection of antibiotic resistance in bacteria poses threats to humans, animals, and the environment. Mitigation of antibiotic resistance relies on understanding the flow of antibiotics, residues, resistant bacteria, and resistance genes through interconnecting systems, so that potential solutions can be identified and issues around their implementation evaluated. Antibiotics are introduced into the aquaculture system via direct application for example in medicated feed, but residues may also be introduced into the system through agricultural drainage water, which is the primary source of water for most fish cultured farms. The approach taken in the present study provides a means to identify points in the system where the effectiveness of interventions can be evaluated and thus it may be applied to other food production systems to combat the problem of antibiotic resistance. Oxytetracycline (OTC) is a tetracycline broad-spectrum antibiotic being widely used in aquaculture as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent ever since it was first approved by USFDA for use in finfish aquaculture. The indiscriminate use of oxytetracycline has led to a lot of problems such as the emergence of antibiotic‐resistant bacteria in aquaculture environments which in turn transfer these resistance factors to bacteria of terrestrial animals and human pathogens. Moreover, it can also create problems for industrial health as antibiotic residues can get accumulated in fish meat and fish products. Residues of antibiotics also result in lowering the marketing and export value of aquaculture products. This review article highlights the present scenario of increasing antimicrobial-resistance in pathogenic bacteria and the clinical importance of unconventional or non-antibiotic therapies to thwart the infectious pathogenic microorganisms.


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