Published June 5, 2023 | Version v1
Lesson Open

Wegwijzer in Wikidata, introductiecursus Wikidata, KB, 6 juni 2023


On 6 June 2023, Olaf Janssen gave an introduction workshop (in Dutch) about Wikidata to make employees of the KB (national library of the Netherlands) more familiar (and somewhat self-reliant) with the (sometimes confusing) world of Wikidata.

The programme was as follows:





How to proceed?


A text transcript/summary with all links is available at the end of the slidedeck , as well as at

The course leader was OlafJanssen, Wikimedia Coordinator at the KB.

See also

For more in-depth insights into how Wikidata is used specifically by/in/for the services of KB, national library of the Netherlands, see

Notes (English)

Key Takeaway

The web page discusses an introduction workshop about Wikidata conducted by Olaf Janssen for employees of the KB (national library of the Netherlands) to make them more familiar with Wikidata.



  • Olaf Janssen conducted an introductory workshop about Wikidata on June 6, 2023, for employees of the KB (national library of the Netherlands).
  • The workshop aimed to make participants more self-reliant and familiar with the world of Wikidata.
  • The program of the workshop covered the following topics:
    •  General: Explained what Wikidata is and its principles.
    •  Data: Covered how things are described in Wikidata, how to discover Q's and P's, how to request data, and how to add data.
    •  Community: Discussed who creates Wikidata and the Wikidata community.
    •  Tools & Projects: Explored tools and projects related to Wikidata.
    •  Help: Addressed how to stay informed and where to find help.
    •  How to proceed: Provided guidance on the next steps.
  • A text transcript/summary with all links is available at the end of the slidedeck.
  • Olaf Janssen, Wikimedia Coordinator at the KB, led the course.
  • The web page is in Dutch and is published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
  • Additional resources, such as a PDF document, are available for download.
  • The web page is hosted on Zenodo and has a DOI (Digital Object Identifier).
  • It is associated with keywords like Wikidata, linked open data, and the Koninklijke Bibliotheek (KB, national library of the Netherlands).


Wegwijzer in Wikidata, Introductiecurus Wikidata - Koninklijke Bibliotheek, 6 juni 2023_forPublication.pdf

Additional details