Published June 5, 2023 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Transposon DNA sequences facilitate the tissue-specific horizontal transfer: te expression supplementary datasets


These datasets contain data on analyses of TE expression stability. Raw RNA seq counts were processed using DESeq2 R package. Low count genes and TEs were removed. Counts across samples were normalized for library sizes and log-transformed using 'regularized log' transformation. Batch normalization was performed on log-transformed data with ComBat function from sva R package.  Expression variability (EV) of TEs and genes (probes) was estimated using the previously described method [1, 2].

1. Bashkeel, N., Perkins, T.J., Kærn, M. et al. Human gene expression variability and its dependence on methylation and aging. BMC Genomics 20, 941 (2019).
2. Alemu EY, Carl JW Jr, Corrada Bravo H, Hannenhalli S. Determinants of expression variability. Nucleic Acids Res. 2014;42(6):3503-3514. doi:10.1093/nar/gkt1364 - the results of TE expression and stability in prostate cancer.

  • 0.PC.RlogMAD.pdf - count barplots for TE identified with MAD criteria
  • 0.PC.RlogSD.pdf - count barplots for TE identified with SD criteria
  • 0.PC.TE.rlogcpm.mad.xls -stability measures according MAD (median absolute deviance) criteria 
  • - stability measures according SD criteria 
  • 0.PC_TE_bootstrap.pdf - TE expression stability
  • PC.deseq.logCPM.csv - TE log transformed expression matrix 
  • PC.TE_count_table.csv - TE raw count matrix 
  • PC_Deseq2data.Rdata - R data object with deseq objet, raw and normalized counts - the results of TE expression and stability in multiple myeloma.

  • 0.MM.RlogMAD.pdf - count barplots for TE identified with MAD criteria
  • 0.MM.RlogSD.pdf - count barplots for TE identified with SD criteria
  • 0.MM_TE_bootstrap.pdf - TE expression stability
  • MM.deseq.logCPM.csv - TE raw count matrix 
  • MM.rlog.mad.xlsx- stability measures according MAD (median absolute deviance) criteria
  • - stability measures according MAD (median absolute deviance) criteria 
  • MM.TE_count_table.csv - TE raw count matrix 
  • Myeloma_Deseq2data.Rdata - R data object with deseq objet, raw and normalized counts


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