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Published May 29, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. Georgian Technical University Georgia 0175, Kostava st 77, Tbilisi



Thin polycrystalline ErS films have been grown by thermal evaporation in vacuum from two separate sources on glass-ceramic, sapphire, and single-crystal silicon substrates. It has been shown that the substrate material does not significantly affect the phase composition and crystallinity of the prepared films. Films have cubic structure of NaCl type with lattice parameter a = 5.46 Å. The optimal temperature of the substrate is 820-870 K. The resistivity, Hall coefficient, and thermoelectric power of the films have been measured as functions of temperature in the temperature range 95-750 K. It has been shown that with increasing temperature the resistivity of the films linearly increases. The Hall coefficient is negative, and doesn't depend on temperature. The thermoelectric power is positive. its absolute value in the range of temperatures ~ 95 – 180 K slightly increases from  to  V/K and then in the area ~ 180 – 750 K decreases from  to  V/K. According to electrical measurements, ErS is a metal.


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