Published June 5, 2023 | Version pdf
Journal article Open

The dynamics of the volume and structure of demand of the population for high-tech ophthalmological care

  • 1. Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute for Doctors named after Aziz Aliyev, 35 Muzaffar Hasanov Str., AZ1012, Baku, Azerbaijan


To assess the demand of the population for high technological ophthalmologic care. Materials from the Clinic of the Azerbaijan Medical University have been used. Indications for high-tech ophthalmological care were determined by the method of expert evaluation of highly qualified ophthalmologists. The demand of patients of the clinic for high-tech ophthalmological care was 9.5±0.4% (95% confidence interval 8.7-10.3%). During the 2018-2022 years, the volume of the demand increased from 5.6±0.7 to 14.1±1.2% (р=0.01). The demand of contingent patients with eye pathologies for high-tech ophthalmological care dynamically grows mainly due to the need for endoviral surgery.



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