Published May 30, 2023 | Version CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
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The Effect of Incidental Learning and Deliberate Learning on L2 Repertoire

  • 1. MA Student, MA in Applied Linguistics, Sham University, Syria.


Abstract: Vocabulary learning is a crucial aspect of language acquisition, and it can occur incidentally or deliberately. Incidental learning (also known as unintentional learning) indicates learning new words while reading or listening to spoken language. Deliberate learning, on the other hand, involves the intentional effort to learn new words through activities such as studying vocabulary lists, using flashcards, practicing with vocabulary exercises, or using a dictionary Both incidental and deliberate vocabulary learning have their advantages and disadvantages. Incidental learning is more natural and occurs in a context, which makes it more likely that new words will be remembered and used correctly. However, it can also be unpredictable and unreliable, as learners may not encounter the same vocabulary frequently enough to remember it. Deliberate learning, on the other hand, is more systematic and provides learners with more control over their learning. However, it can be less engaging and may not always lead to the same depth of understanding as incidental learning. 80 secondary school students were randomly selected to take part in the study, and they were assigned to one of three groups: an experimental group that received instructions on deliberate vocabulary learning techniques, an experimental group that received instructions on incidental vocabulary learning techniques, and a control group that received no instructions. For two weeks, the experimental groups received six hours of instruction in their chosen vocabulary learning strategies. Students in the deliberate vocabulary learning group learned how to learn new words by using techniques like flashcards, making mnemonic devices, and practicing with vocabulary drills. The students in the incidental vocabulary learning group were instructed to use guessing strategies to determine the meaning of new words while reading or listening. All participants took a vocabulary test following the instruction period, which evaluated their retention of the definitions of the words they had learned. The outcomes revealed that both experimental groups outperformed the control group by a significant margin, demonstrating the efficacy of both deliberate and accidental vocabulary learning techniques for enhancing vocabulary acquisition. The deliberate and incidental vocabulary learning groups performed similarly, which is interesting because it suggests that both methods are equally effective. To investigate the long-term effects of deliberate and accidental vocabulary learning techniques, additional research is required. It is crucial to keep in mind that this study concentrated on short-term vocabulary acquisition. The results of this study demonstrate that both deliberate and accidental vocabulary learning strategies can enhance secondary school students' vocabulary acquisition. Both educators and students can combine the two approaches to develop a robust vocabulary in a foreign language.


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ISSN: 2394-0913 (Online)
Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijmh.I1606059923
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Publisher: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)