Art Management in the Field of Academic Choral Art
Introduction. The choral art of Ukraine has strong age-old traditions that have become a part of the spiritual life of the Ukrainian people. At the same time, the realities of modern life dictate certain requirements regarding the improvement of the organization of choirs in the new conditions of life in society. Purpose and methods. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the theoretical foundations and develop practical recommendations for the formation of an effective system of art management in the organization of modern academic choral art, aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the functioning of choirs and artistic structures in Ukraine. The methodological basis of the research was dialectical, systemic, historical, cultural, interdisciplinary, and empirical approaches. Results. The conceptual foundations of art management are revealed. The state of active choirs in Ukraine is analyzed. An analytical comparison of two choirs was made: chamber choir “Kyiv” and amateur choir “Sine Nomine”. The management strategy of an artistic organization is based on the example of the chamber choir “Sine Nomine”. Conclusions. For the first time, a systematic and interdisciplinary approach to the article topic was applied. This made it possible to carry out a detailed structural, functional, and cultural analysis of choirs in Ukraine and to develop an effective strategy for their management. The significance of the obtained results lies in the addition of cultural and management sciences with new theoretical provisions regarding art management in the field of academic choral art, as well as the development of practical recommendations aimed at improving the management and increasing the efficiency of choirs in Ukraine.
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