Published May 30, 2023 | Version v1
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CoaClimateRisk – O Impacto das Alterações Climáticas e Medidas de Adaptação para as Principais Culturas Agrícolas na Região do Vale Do Côa.


The CoaClimateRisk project aims to assess the climate change forcing on the main crops in the Côa Valley. The information delivered by this project is of utmost relevance for stakeholders from the agricultural sector of the Côa Valley, as it will allow to develop and promote suitable measures to mitigate climate change risks. These stakeholders are already in close cooperation with the project and, such as our project partners from the agri-food sector, ADVID and SOGRAPE, the Côa Parque foundation and the University of Minho, the project aims at valorising the Côa Valley natural patrimony.



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Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia
COA/CAC/0030/2019 – Climate change impact assessment and adaptation measures for the main crops in the Coa Valley region COA/CAC/0030/2019