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Published May 25, 2023 | Version v1
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The GHRSST Central Catalogue User Guide

  • 1. IFREMER


Draft manual version 25 May 2023.

This document presents how to use the GHRSST Central Catalogue from the GHRSST Data Producers (GDP) and/or GHRSST Data Assembly Centres (DAC) perspectives.

The GHRSST Data Discovery and Cataloguing (DDC) service is designed to provide users with a single entry point to search for all GHRSST datasets. It comprises a centralised catalogue describing all GHRSST datasets and a file (granule) search service to retrieve any GHRSST data file of a given dataset within some time and space criteria.
The GHRSST Catalogue is accessible on the GHRSST website at: It is centralized, meaning it stores the description (metadata) of the different GHRSST datasets in a single repository. The metadata of these datasets needs to be edited and updated remotely directly from the catalogue’s main interface. This task is performed by GHRSST Data Producers (GDP) and/or GHRSST Data Assembly Centres (DAC), each one editing and curing the metadata of the datasets it is responsible for.




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