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Published May 12, 2023 | Version v1
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  • 1. PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, university teaching and individual research activities, Moscow
  • 2. PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, «Moscow Academy of Entrepreneurship», Moscow



One of the main tasks of economic science is «Identification of the possibilities of development of human economic activity under conditions of limited resources» [1].

The taxon of the Biosphere (foremothers of all life on Earth, including Man) are the main elements of the material-energy substrate (hereinafter MES). By extracting, processing, and consuming MES, man reproduces his flesh and life.

Until recently, and in our view, only a hypothetical level of understanding of the extent to which humans can extract elements of MES from Earth has been maintained.

In 2018, Yinon M. Bar-On, Rob Phillips, and Ron Milo [2, 3] published a global census of the biomass of living taxon of the Earth’s Biosphere. The work has changed the way we think about the Biosphere, giving it new meaning. The biomass parameters of individual taxon and the Biosphere as a whole were presented to researchers.

The view of the Biosphere with its elementary and general biomass parameters, rose from abstract to empirical.

«Relying» on the methodical scheme and biomass characteristics of the taxon Yinon M. Bar-On (2018), we have taken the following step: we have combined biology and economics, solved several bioeconomic problems.

The biomass of SK-biosphere taxon and the economic potential of SK-ethnosphere for GDP production have been determined.

In the last section of the article, indicators of the potential of the SK-biosphere and SK-ethnosphere are compared with indicators of the actual use of bioeconomic potential, in modern economic activity of the ethnic group of Sakhalin and Kuril ridge (within Sakhalin Oblast).

Part of the research results published in the article.


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