Published December 30, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Development of an approach to the creation of an intellectual system of national security management

  • 1. Central Scientifically-Research Institute of Arming and Military Equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
  • 2. Military Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technologies named after Heroes of Kruty
  • 3. Zhytomyr Military Institute named after S. P. Koroliov
  • 4. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


The object of the research is intelligent systems for collecting, processing and analyzing information about the state of national security. Investigated problem: The problem that is solved in the research is the problem of building intelligent systems for collecting, processing and analyzing information about the state of national security with limitations on the available computing resources, reliability and given speed of processing of various types of data circulating in it. The main scientific results obtained during the study by the authors are: proposed approach to the development of intelligent systems for the collection, processing and analysis of information on the state of the state's national security. The proposed approach takes into account the security of the system, available forces and means, purpose, system effect, method of formation, resource composition, structure, management, the process of functioning according to the purpose, resource consumption and the specified efficiency criterion. This will allow to justify the requirements for software and hardware of intelligent systems for collecting, processing and analyzing information about the state of the state's national security. proposed architecture of intelligent systems for collecting, processing and analyzing information about the state of national security of the state. Its approximate composition, functional purpose and structure of the database management system are substantiated. The area of practical use of the research results: It is advisable to use the proposed scientific results when conducting research and development works on the creation of intelligent systems for collecting, processing and analyzing information about the state of national security of the state, and developing requirements for hardware and software of this type of systems. Field of application: software, information systems, decision support systems.


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