Sentinel2 RGB chips over Colombia (NE) with JRC GHSL Population Density 2015 for Learning with Label Proportions
- 1. Universidad de Antioquia
- 2. Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Region of Interest (ROI) is comprised of the east - northeast region of Colombia covering
parts of Santander, Norte de Santander, Boyacá, Bolívar, Antioquia and Cundinamarca.
We use the communes administrative division defined by DANE (Departamento Administrativo
Nacional de Estadística) under "municipios" in the MGN2021 at
images: Sentinel2 RGB from 2020-01-01 to 2020-31-12
filtered out pixels with clouds during the observation period according to QA60 band following the example
given in GEE dataset info page, and took the median of the resulting pixels
see also
labels: Global Human Settlement Layers, Population Grid 2015
labels range from 0 to 31, with the following meaning:
label value original value in GEE dataset
0 0
1 1-10
2 11-20
3 21-30
31 >=291
see also
_aschips.geojson the image chips geometries along with label proportions
for easy visualization with QGIS, GeoPandas, etc.
_communes.geojson the communes geometries with their label prortions
for easy visualization with QGIS, GeoPandas, etc.
splits.csv contains two splits of image chips in train, test, val
- with geographical bands at 45° angles in nw-se direction
- the same as above reorganized to that all chips within the same
commune fall within the same split.
data/ a pickle file for each image chip containing a dict with
- the 100x100 RGB sentinel 2 chip image
- the 100x100 chip level lavels
- the label proportions of the chip
- the aggregated label proportions of the commune the chip belongs to
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