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Published September 21, 2022 | Version v2
Dataset Open

Brucker Maldi-TOF custom database for differentiating Enterococcus faecium clades A1/A2 from B


This custom database has been constructed using MBT explorer software (Bruker ®) and the Maldi Biotyper (Bruker). Protein extraction were performed according to the MSP Creation protocol (V1.1, Bruker ®) and mass spectra were obtained following the Maldi Biotyper protocol (V.2.4, Bruker ®). The resulting spectra were carefully inspected using flexAnalysis software (V3.4, Bruker ®). After elimination of spectra with mass peak deviation > 0.05%, outlier peaks or flatline, the remaining spectra were combined to generate a single mass spectrum for each strain onto the MALDI Biotyper software (V4.1, Bruker ®), with default parameters. The mass spectra were used to generate this new database, available on the MBT Compass RUO software (RevC Version, Bruker ®).  

The individual spectra are available as well as the MSP (Mass Spectrum Profile) for each strains.



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