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Published April 30, 2023 | Version 1.0
Project deliverable Open

D2.5 Specification of the Cloud Security Certification Language – v3

  • 1. Consiglio Nazionale della Ricerca


This is the last of the three deliverables resulting from Task 2.3, Task 2.4 and Task 2.5. This set of deliverables presents the definition and implementation of the Cloud Certification Language which encompasses three major phases: 1) the encoding of requirements of cloud certification schemas – written in natural language -- in a Controlled Natural Language (CNL), so called MEDINA CNL; 2) the editing of the requirements in MEDINA CNL through an editor tool; and 3) the mapping of the CNL requirements to a domain specific language (DSL).



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MEDINA – Security framework to achieve a continuous audit-based certificationn in compliance with the EU-wide cloud security certification scheme 952633
European Commission