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Published May 10, 2023 | Version I
Book Open


  • 1. Vels Institute of Science, Technology & Advanced Studies [VISTAS]


Stress can significantly enhance the performance of the human individuals. Though moderate levels of stress can be useful in maintaining attention, too much stress impairs working performance this appalling figure determines the seriousness of this problem pertaining to stress level of the students. Young Indians living in wealthier and more educated regions are more likely to suffer from such kind of problems. Cognitive reactions of stress result in the inability to concentrate and however relaxation therapies significantly reduce the stress level in students. Moreover, research has shown PMBSR (physical mindfulness based stress reduction) Pain severity, chronic pain and stress may all be reduced with this treatment. Yoga may cause neurological changes as well as physiologic health advantages such as better immune function and lower arousal levels. The research revealed that the children’s, students and the working professionals improved the physical and cognitive strength after practicing the yoga for the proper time duration. The stress was identified based on the pystack (go- nogo) test and brain signal before and after yoga activity, pre yoga- post yoga and the brain signal was acquired using the 24 channel EEG(electroencephalogram) device and the distraction noises from the signal was reduced and classified using independent compound analysis (ICA) tool. Yoga energises the prefrontal lobes of the brain, making the limbic system more difficult to awaken over time. This leads to behavioral changes such as improved physical, ego and integrity, as well as fewer v psychological issues, less depression and anxiety and improved social skills. Effective functioning, scholastic achievement, attention, perceptual sensitivity, response time, memory, self-control, empathy and self-esteem are all good results associated to yoga practices. In cognitive neuroscience, neuro training is very significant. The goal of this research is to provide real-time feedback to the central nervous system using electroencephalogram (EEG) data. When the brain is exposed to neuro training, it remains more efficient and effective. This procedure aims to boost healthy volunteers' working memory, increase older people's cognitive processing speed and boost their learning capacity. Electroencephalography (EEG) signals produce alpha, beta, delta and theta waves, each with its own set of features. The Higher Alpha frequency band (10-13hz), peak alpha frequency band (10-11 hz), beta (12-15 hz) and theta (4-8hz) signals of the EEG are the focus of this research. The alpha band of wave originates from the occipital lobe during wakeful relaxation with closed eyelids and is one of the most noticeable EEG occurrences of brain waves. When the eyes are open, during sleep, or when you are drowsy, the alpha wave band is diminished. When the eyes are closed, alpha waves are produced from the occipital lobes and these are the most powerful EEG brain signals. The dominating oscillations in the human brain are alpha-band oscillations, which have an inhibitory role. The frequency range of alpha wave neural oscillations is 8-13hz. Alpha oscillations have a role in cognitive functions including attention, perception, working memory (wm) and long-term memory (LTM). Higher Alpha signal is highly sensitive to semantic memory demands and has a fundamental impact in cognitive functioning throughout the whole alpha signal spectrum. Peak alpha vi frequency (PAF) is usually associated with mental ability. Physical weariness is caused by a drop in PAF. PAF is adversely connected with age and has a lower amplitude in those who have alzheimer's disease. The NFTresearch focuses on boosting the higher alpha band of electroencephalography to improve working memory function (EEG). Twenty-five healthy volunteers were taught over the course of five sessions using visual cues as feedback. Single channel EEG may be used to capture EEG signals. Using the unique alpha frequency band, the Higher Alpha band was calculated for each participant. The signal was collected from the occipital lobe using a single channel electrode, amplified using an EEG amplifier and linked to the system through a data acquisition device (DAQ). Using lab view software, the signal in the higher alpha band (10- 13hz) was recovered. The patient was then instructed to relax by looking at the natural landscape exhibited on the device. For each session, the amount of time it took to modify 10 photos was recorded. When the individuals grow more invested in the treatment, they become more attentive and focused on the visual display. As a result, higher alpha waves take precedence over lower alpha waves. When a person is calm, the brain creates alpha waves. As a result, the NFTretrains the brain to create alpha waves on its own and improves activity once training is completed. The final findings of this NFTsetup demonstrated that the participants were able to learn, as well as increasing amplitude levels in specific alpha bands. The increase of the higher alpha band considerably enhanced working memory performance. Further research demonstrated that an increase in relative amplitude in the individual Higher Alpha band training was favorably connected with vii improved working memory ability. A conceptual span exam was used to assess cognitive ability in the first and final sessions and the results were compared. In this research, all twenty-five participants expressed considerable training success. Slowing down of mind, memory and thinking is a typical feature of aging for the elderly. Mental training may assist the brain in maintaining its sharpness. The EEG signal was obtained from the occipital lobe using a single channel electrode, amplified using an EEG amplifier and linked to the system through a data acquisition device (DAQ). Using labview software, the highest alpha band (10-11hz) signal was recovered. The neuro training was provided using the NFT protocol and the participants' cognitive processing speed improved as a result. During the training, the subject's brain wave frequency was monitored and evaluated and the subject eventually learned to remain in the ideal brain wave condition. The visual cues were provided to the labview program by having the subject watch animation or listen to music. For this training, twenty people between the ages of 60 and 65 were selected. The goal of this research was to see whether the older people's cognitive processing speed improved as a result of the training they received. The high frequency () and low frequency () components of the recorded EEG were recovered, as well as their power spectral densities, for beta/theta training. The retrieved information regarding brainwave frequencies (/ ratio) was displayed back to the patient while the subject focussed on the visual screen. The visual display reacted to changes in the / ratio. As a result of this visual feedback arrangement, the brain learned to operate with more control and steadiness. The brain was rewarded with visual signals when the required brainwave was attained. The unpleasant viii symptoms were considerably minimized and the brain was re-trained by increasing the subject's focus. As a result, the beta/theta NFT configuration was created to help healthy volunteers increase their learning abilities. The NFT treatment is painless and non-invasive. It produces long-lasting benefits and may be repeated at any time. Lab view software is used to conduct the training. Finally, the subject's mental, physical and emotional functioning improves. Thus, a low-cost, user-friendly Neuro-training setup may be created to investigate the cognitive performance of healthy volunteers and the aged.


Raja Rammohun Roy National Agency for ISBN, Department of Higher Education, MoE, Government of India.pdf