Published April 11, 2021 | Version 1.1
Report Open

Screening Wasserstoff Technik

  • 1. Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Chair of Energy Process Engineering


This study summarises the scientific state of the art for the production, transportation, storage and reconversion of green hydrogen concisely and in the form of fact sheets. The aim is to provide a compact and independent overview that can serve as a guideline and basis of decision-making for future investments in the energy industry.

The study discusses 47 technologies with different technology readiness levels and compares them in terms of technical and economic performance indicators. A set of uniform boundary conditions common to the energy industry allows to ensure comparability of economically relevant data (especially hydrogen production costs). In the study, technology profiles describe technologies with high technical relevance and availability as well as technologies with high technical potential but currently low availability. In each case, the state of development, operating principle, market situation as well as technical and economic risks are discussed. Additionally, a technology radar briefly presents technologies with currently unclear technical potential or technologies that are not yet available.


Eine Studie im Auftrag der N-ERGIE Aktiengesellschaft



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