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Published December 30, 2022 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

Deliverable 5.2. S3E Dissemination, Communication & Exploitation Plan



The present document presents a detailed overview of S3E’s communication, dissemination and exploitation strategy, vital elements of any successful Horizon Europe funded project, while defining the goals, priorities, and potential implementation mechanisms to achieve all desired outcomes. Furthermore, S3E’s Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation Plan sets out the tools, materials, and channels to be exploited to effectively disseminate the project activities, open calls, achievements, and tangible results to targeted audiences, which have been identified in the previous Deliverable 5.1 Stakeholder Collaboration Framework.


D5.2. S3E Dissemination, Communication & Exploitation Plan.pdf

Files (28.4 MB)

Additional details


S3E – Southern European Entrepreneurship Engine 101072135
European Commission