Published April 30, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Refinement of three-layer model of a damaged human body for the case of changing the moisture of the banding material

  • 1. Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics
  • 2. National University of Food Technologies
  • 3. Institute of Public Administration and Research in Civil Protection
  • 4. State Biotechnological University
  • 5. V. I. Vernadsky Taurida National University


The object of study is a three-layer model of a damaged human body.

In the course of the study, it was found that the generally accepted three-layer model of a damaged human body is built, in particular, on the assumption that the characteristics of dressings remain unchanged over time. Therefore, the vast majority of modern research in the field of passive radiometry requires the removal of such materials from the human body during the measurement or considers their characteristics to be unchanged and insignificant. Questions of a possible change in the results of measuring the radiation of the human body due to the use of plaster casts of varying degrees of humidity remain almost unexplored.

As a result of the study, the mathematical three-layer model of the damaged human body was refined. An element was introduced into the model that describes the dependence of the attenuation of radio wave energy on the relative humidity of the plaster cast. The refined model makes it possible to increase the accuracy of measuring the temperature of the human body, taking into account the time of applying a plaster cast to it. Unlike the existing ones, the proposed model is based on an experimental study that simulates the measurement of the radiation of a human body with a plaster cast of different degrees of humidity. To refine the model, the obtained experimental data were processed by regression analysis methods.

The results of processing the experimental data made it possible to establish the specific type and value of the coefficients of the desired dependence.

The use of the obtained results of the study proves the possibility of remote non-invasive express diagnostics of the state of the human body in the presence of plaster-gauze bandages.

Providing such an opportunity allows disaster medicine workers to increase the ability to fulfill the so-called “golden hour rule”, as well as to clarify the requirements for a medical radiothermal mapping system


Refinement of three-layer model of a damaged human body for the case of changing the moisture of the banding material.pdf

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