Published May 8, 2023 | Version pdf
Journal article Open

Some Complex Esters Of Bicyclic Monoterpene Alcohols And Aromatic Acids Of The Roots Of Ferula calcarea

  • 1. Institute of Botany, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences


From the sum of extractive compounds obtained by extracting of finely ground, air-dried roots of Ferula cal-
carea M.Pimen. two crystalline substance compositions C17H22O3, m.p. 167.0-168.0°C (1) and C₁8H2404
m.p. 84.0-85.0°C have been isolated (2). Based on spectral (IR-, NMR H, 13C, 13C Dept 135) and chemical
(alkaline hydrolysis) data it was proved that they had structures identical to the structures of l-chimgin and l-
chimganin, respectively.



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