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Published December 27, 2017 | Version pdf
Journal article Open

Study Of The Azerbaijan Population By STR Markers: II. Interpopulation Analysis On The Basis of STR Markers' Allele Structure

  • 1. Scientific-Practical Unit of "Anatomical Pathology and Forensic Medical Examination"
  • 2. Institute of Molecular Biology & Biotechnologies, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences


Azerbaijan population consisting of 302 individuals was studied using 15-STR markers constituting the main
set of human identification, and for each STR locus the forensic and population-genetic parameters were
determined. Along with the other parameters, the calculated P-values (PHWE) for the accuracy of the Hardy-
Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) tests showed that for our population this parameter had a statistically
significant value (PwA=0.0006) only for the vWA locus. The values of parameters for a set of 15 STR loci
such as the combined power of exclusion (CPE-0.99999935), combined power of discrimination
(CPD-0.9999999999999999965), combined paternity index (CPI-1466339.18) and the probability of
paternity (PP-0.99999932) showed that given set of loci can be confidently used in
ving of identification
our population the D21S11.
D2S1338, D18S51 and FGA STR markers are more informative. In addition, comparative analysis of our
population with 14 world populations based on the allelic composition of STR markers, allelic frequencies
and basic population-genetic parameters have established that there are some degree of differences in the
allelic structure of individual loci and the frequencies of the identified alleles between the compared
populations. Significant differences are observed both in the region of the most frequent major and in the
region of low-frequency minor alleles of STR markers.



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