Published May 24, 2023 | Version v2
Dataset Open

Psychoacoustic indicators of pass-by road traffic noise

  • 1. University of Antwerp


This dataset contains files related to a measurement campaign of pass-by road traffic noise using the Statistical Pass-By (SPB) method according to ISO 11819-1 (2023) on road surfaces in hot mix asphalt.  

The compressed folder "Audio files, timestamps and calibration file" is divided into subfolders per measurement day, named according to the measurement date and location. Each subfolder contains continuous recordings as .wav audio files and Excel files with timestamps at 2 seconds before (t0) and 2 s after (tf) the moment a vehicle passage produced the peak noise level in that audio file, besides the air temperature (Tair) and vehicle category (Category). The pass-bys are classified into four categories (Passenger cars, Vans, Dual-axle heavy vehicle - HD and Multiple-axle heavy vehicle - HM).

The file "Calibration file 1Hz 113.7 dB.wav" is a pure-tone 113.7 dB calibration file recorded from the sound level meter and microphone used in the measurements.

The Excel file "Psychoacoustic indicators of pass-by road traffic noise.xlsx" presents nine acoustic and psychoacoustic indicators calculated from the 4s audio excerpts of 2199 pass-by vehicle noise obtained from this measurement campaign. Calculations were conducted using the algorithms implemented on PsySound3. The columns in this Excel file mean the following:

  1. LA,max: average maximum A-weighted sound level, in dB
  2. ΔL: the difference between the peak LA,max and the LA,max at 2 s before the peak was reached, in dB
  3. LA,eq: A-weighted equivalent continuous sound level, in dB
  4. L10: 10% percentile statistical noise level, in dB
  5. L90: 90% percentile statistical noise level, in dB
  6. N50: 50% percentile loudness, in sone
  7. S50: 50% percentile sharpness, in acum
  8. R50: 50% percentile roughness, in asper
  9. FS50: 50% percentile fluctuation strength, in vacil


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