Published December 25, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open



In a country like India, peace education becomes a pivotal area of research for Sociologists and Moral Philosophers. The whole realm is so fragile that it has to be very clear and transparent –first to Educationists and then to people who implement it.
The first part of the paper offers to deal with the challenges keeping the post-modern milieu of Indian Society where history and anthropology run in the blood veins of people.
The second part of the paper deals with the ‘ethos’ of the society in India, those who can be given this delicate job. The ‘secular people’ – this term itself stands on a double-edged sword.
So, who can contribute in structuring the curriculum?
And the concluding part of the paper will deal with what ideal curriculum can be incorporated if we have to survive as a single (and part of global) unit. The conclusion obviously makes us ponder as we as educationist stand on a see-saw – going up and down; and the task to introduce multicultural ideology in our education system – be at school or college level, to bring forth ‘utopia’ seems to be a mirage. Is it impossible? Being optimist and one who aspires to have positive change for the best, I feel it is not impossible but little remote as time consumption is unpredictable. The paper intends to end with a positive note that though education in the field of Linguistic Analysis (at its basics) can offer a potent solution as peace education in our multicultural and multiethnic society, that is, India.


18. Dr. Amita.pdf

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