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Published May 5, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Data for "A framework for estimating the anthropogenic part of Antarctica's sea level contribution in a synthetic setting" by Bradley et al.

  • 1. British Antarctic Survey


These data contain model inputs and outputs, as well as processed data, to produce figures and analyse data in Bradley et al. (2023) "How do we decide whether anthropogenic climate change has contributed to sea level rise from Antarctica?". Scripts to analyse and  produce figures are contained in a GitHub repository at

Details of raw input files (see methods of the paper for details):

- "": raw output for the first model initialization step.

- "": raw output for the second model initialization step with M = 0.5 (XX = 08), M = 0.75 (XX = 09), M = 1.0 (XX = 10), M = 1.25 (XX = 11), M = 1.5 (XX = 12)

- "forcing_anomalies.mat": matlab structure containing 40 x 2 entries (number of ensemble members per ensemble x number of ensembles), each of which has two fields: pc, containing the pycnocline centre position, and t, indicating the times of the corresponding pycnocline position entries

- "MITgcm-ensemble-data.mat": matlab structure containing melt rate fields and file ids (can be ignored). This structure has size 5 (=number of M values) x 2 (=number of ensembles, anthropogenic or counterfactual) x 40 (= number of ensemble members) x 5 (=number of timeslices).

- "WAVI-ensemble-data.mat": matlab structure containing ice sheet evolution data. This structure has size 5 (=number of M values) x 2 (=number of ensembles, anthropogenic or counterfactual) x 40 (= number of ensemble members). Each structure contains 

Details of processed files (see methods of the paper for details):

- "shortfigure-3data.mat": data to produce data corresponding to calibrated simulations in figure 3 of the manuscript. File produced by running ./gendata/pargendata_shortfigure3.m in the GitHub repo listed above, using the raw input files. 

- "shortfigure3-uncalibdata.mat": data to produce data corresponding to uncalibrated simulations in figure 3 of the manuscript. File produced by running ./pargendata_shortfigure3_uncalibrated.m in the GitHub repo listed above, using the raw input files. 

- "shortfigure4-bootstrapdata.mat": data to produce the error bounds shown in figure 4 of the manuscript. File produced by running ./pargendata_shortfigure4_bootstrap.m in the GitHub repo listed above, using the raw input files. 


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West Antarctic Ice Sheet retreat in the context of ENSO variability NE/S010475/1
UK Research and Innovation
PROTECT – PROjecTing sEa-level rise : from iCe sheets to local implicaTions 869304
European Commission