Published April 30, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Formation of the balanced development trajectory of the ecologistic system project

  • 1. Odessa National Maritime University


Meeting modern requirements for achieving sustainable development goals requires transformational changes in the principles of doing business, in particular the organization of logistics activities. Environmentally oriented management turns the logistics system into an environmentally friendly one, which allows achieving logistics goals with minimal eco-destructive impact on the environment and solving the problem of environmental protection.

The object of this study is the mechanism of forming the trajectory of the ecologistic system project, which makes it possible to take into account the peculiarities of its life cycle and ensure balanced development.

The ecologistics system project is seen as a complex, open, dynamic, stationary system that supports stationary homeostasis through internal and external metabolism. During the life cycle, the ecologistic system project evolves, moving from one stationary state to another, each of which corresponds to certain values of input and output resources. This vision makes it possible to determine the optimal ratio of resources in the resource balance, which ensures the homeostasis of the system and minimizes the eco-destructive impact on the environment. A model of homeostasis of the stationary state of the project and a model of balanced development of the project of the ecologistic system have been developed, the use of which allows creating a trajectory that ensures the maximum value of the ecological and economic value of the project. Experimental calculations confirming the feasibility of using the proposed mechanism and showing an increase in the ecological and economic value of the project as a result of its development in accordance with the formed trajectory are presented. The proposed mechanism should be used when planning the development of logistics system projects in order to achieve a balance of economic and environmental goals of the project


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