Published April 30, 2023 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

Survey of AM applications and strategies for repairing components by AM


This report presents additive manufacturing (AM) applications and strategies for particle accelerator component repair, it is divided in three parts:

  1. State-of-art analysis: where existing AM repair technologies have been reviewed. The concept of AM repair process and strategies is also introduced, with an emphasis that AM repair process differs from AM manufacturing process and has several key factors that must be recognized. Several examples are given of successful repair cases in other industries.
  2. A qualitative study in form of a questionnaire covering information obtained directly from the particle accelerator community. It comprises community feedback and experiences on the usage of the AM technologies and AM repairs in this field. This includes also the list of potential accelerator components (parts), which are plausible candidates for the repairs using AM technologies.

An indicative case study of a tantalum electrode repair by AM. This study includes quantitative sample characterization before and after the repair process (morphological, chemical, and mechanical analysis) and overall data of relevant repair conditions.



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European Commission
I.FAST – Innovation Fostering in Accelerator Science and Technology 101004730


  • I.FAST Del10.2