Psycho-educational support and development of pedagogical skills of teachers in higher education institutions with special learning conditions
- 1. Odessa State University of Internal Affairs
- 2. Main Department of National Police in Odessa Region
Chapter 10 proves that the knowledge and consideration of subjective, i.e. internal mental and psycho-pedagogical personal characteristics is of particular importance in the process of professional training of the future police officer. From such positions, the essence and features of psycho-pedagogical support and development of pedagogical skills of teachers of higher education institutions with special learning conditions are specified. An analysis of the development of methodological principles and methodological specifics of psycho-pedagogical support and the development of pedagogical skills of teachers of higher education institutions with special learning conditions was carried out; the main directions of implementation of psycho-pedagogical support of teachers are determined, with the coverage of theoretical provisions, methods and psycho-pedagogical technologies; on the example of practical-research work, the specifics of the implementation of a psycho-pedagogical workshop for teachers of higher education institutions with special learning conditions are highlighted; the importance and prospects for the introduction of a system of psycho-pedagogical support and the development of pedagogical skills of teachers of higher education institutions with special conditions of learning based on a synergistic approach are determined.
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