Features of designing work programs of educational components of training of future police officers in the context of the scale of human dimensional senses of assessing the quality of higher education
Chapter 9 substantiates the peculiarities of the process of designing work programs of the educational components of training future police officers in the context of the scale of the human-dimensional senses of evaluating the quality of higher education and specifies the diagnostic and evaluation apparatus for measuring the results of training on the basis of criterion analysis. On the example of the development of criteria for evaluating the level of educational achievements of the educational component "Legal Psychology", it is proved that such a description is further designed to ensure systematicity in the design of other modules of educational components with the possibility of monitoring the quality of the educational process and quick adjustment of educational programs. It is explained how the application of criterion evaluation makes this process transparent and understandable for all subjects of education; involves comparing the learner's work results with the standard and eliminates the subjective comparison of those who are trained with each other.
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