Published March 31, 2023 | Version v1
Book chapter Open

Combating violent crimes against children: challenges for Ukraine, international experience, innovative methods of practical learning

  • 1. Main Department of National Police in Odessa Region
  • 2. Odessa State University of Internal Affairs


Chapter 6, based on the analysis and generalization of constructive foreign experience and the legal practice of Ukraine, outlines the key aspects of countering violent crimes against children and specifies innovative methods of training students of higher education in this direction in the practice of Ukraine. A comparative analysis of experience in the investigation of violent crimes against children is conducted and the possibilities of its implementation into the legal practice of Ukraine are determined. The peculiarities of the organization of detection of violent crimes against children on the basis of legal knowledge for the purpose of educational work and prevention of countering violent crimes against children are highlighted. In order to improve the quality of the teaching of such academic disciplines as "Criminal Studies", "Criminology", "Criminal Law", "Operative and Investigative Activities" in the training process of legal experts, the methodological features of the use of information and technical support for the detection, investigation and prevention of violent crimes against children in "Child-Friendly Interview Room". Mechanisms to prevent re-traumatization of the child's psyche during the interview process are substantiated thanks to special methods and the creation of a psychologically comfortable atmosphere.



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