Energy facilities: management and design and technological innovations
Andriy Polishchuk1
Volodymyr Kulyk2
Vira Teptya2
Sviatoslav Vishnevskyi2
Yurii Hrytsiuk3
Iryna Hrytsiuk3
Viacheslav Komar2
Petro Lezhniuk2
Vladyslav Lesko2
Yuliya Malogulko2
Volodymyr Netrebskyi2
Olena Sikorska2
Volodymyr Khomenko4
Oksana Chernysh4
Viacheslav Barsukov4
Viktor Tverdokhlib4
Arkadij Berezovskij5
Volodymyr Slobodianyk5
Natalia Minska6
Roman Shevchenko6
Vasyl Servatyuk7
Valery Strelets8
Victoria Lukashenko9
Yaroslav Kalchenko6
Ernst Kussul10
Tetyana Baydyk10
Masuma Mammadova11
Jorge Luis Rodriguez Mendoza12
- 1. JSC "Vinnytsiaoblenergo"
- 2. Vinnytsia National Technical University
- 3. Lutsk National Technical University
- 4. Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design
- 5. Central Scientific Research Institute of Armament and Military Equipment of Armed Forces of Ukraine
- 6. National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
- 7. National Defence University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi
- 8. The International Humanitarian Organization The Halo Trust in Ukraine
- 9. National Aviation University
- 10. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México
- 11. Institute of Information Technology of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
- 12. Universidad de Colima
The collective monograph contains the results of scientific research on the management of energy facilities and the creation of elements of energy systems. A feature of the proposed approaches is the consideration of objects in several aspects: process control in distributed networks, the balance of production and consumption of electricity, innovative materials and technological solutions focused on the concept of using renewable and non-traditional energy sources.
Chapter 1 presents a solution to the problem of improving the methods and tools for optimizing reactive power flows in distribution networks with significant daily volatility in generation and consumption of electricity.
Chapter 2 proposes an algorithm for the method of matching the generation schedules of photovoltaic power plants with the electric load of the network as a possible solution for improving the balance in the electricity grid with renewable energy sources.
Chapter 3 describes the results of research and development of environmentally friendly methods for producing composite materials for electrochemical capacitors related to non-traditional rechargeable electric current sources.
Chapter 4 presents the results of a study of solar cells based on CdS/CdTe, intended for backup power supply of security systems and facility management in conditions of damage to the power supply system. Ways to improve the efficiency of such film solar cells are proposed.
Chapter 5 presents the development of several prototypes of compact, lightweight, and inexpensive solar concentrators, and proposes two assembly methods that overcome the main problem associated with automating the solar concentrator assembly process.
The monograph is intended for practitioners in the field of creating energy systems and managing power supply facilities, engineering and technical specialists, and designers. The monograph will also be useful for researchers and university teachers who use advanced research developments in the educational process in the relevant specialties, developing the skills of working with scientific information in future young professionals to generate new practical solutions.
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