Published May 3, 2023 | Version v1
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Trabalhos do LARC 13 - Análise ictioarqueológica de uma amostra proveniente da Ponta do Verde, Tróia

  • 1. LARC/DGPC, CIBIO/Biopolis, UNIARQ


  • 1. LARC/DGPC, CIBIO/Biopolis, IDL - Instituto Dom Luiz


This study characterizes the fish remains found near a grave excavated in Tróia. The faunal set (individualized as U.E. 885, sample nº12725) results from at least three types of fish: sardine Sardina pilchardus, horse mackerel Trachurus trachurus and jackhammer/cachucho Dentex sp. The sardine is the most frequent species, representing up to 97% of the identified portion. Individual sizes vary between 12 and 18 cm in total length. The results achieved are comparable to those obtained for other contexts excavated in Tróia.



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