Published May 1, 2023 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Spiriferina d'Orbigny 1847


Spiriferina d’Orbigny, 1847

1847 Spiriferina d’Orbigny, p. 268.

1877 Spiriferina d’Orbigny, 1847; Dall, p. 65.

1965 Spiriferina d’Orbigny; 1847; Pitrat, p. 711.

1989 Spiriferina d’Orbigny, 1847; Cooper, p. 67.

2006 Spiriferina d’Orbigny, 1847; Carter, p. 1930.

2013 Spiriferina d’Orbigny, 1847; Alméras & Cougnon, p. 25.

Type Species. Spirifer walcotti J. de C. Sowerby, 1823 SD Dall, 1877, p. 64.

Spiriferina is used here for strongly ribbed spiriferinides with a narrow V-shaped sulcus and fold, which are close to the type species, Spiriferina walcotti, and to S. muensteri (Davidson 1851). The alternative view is that the type species should be the unribbed Terebratulites rostratus von Schlotheim 1822, which means that the non-costate Liospiriferina Rousselle, 1977 is an objective synonym of Spiriferina. The issue is summarised by Baeza-Carratalá et al. (2016), who follow the revised Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology (Carter 2006) in retaining S. walcotti as type species, and this is followed here.

In this sense, Spiriferina is known from the Jurassic of Britain (Sowerby 1823, MacKinnon 1974, Ager 1994), Western Europe (Alméras & Cougnon 2013), Austria (Siblík 1999) Bulgaria (Tchoumatchenko 1996), Algeria (Alméras et al. 2007), Morocco (Rousselle 1977), Greenland (Rosenkrantz 1934) and Argentina (Manceñido 1981, Damborenea & Manceñido 1992). Spiriferina retziaeformis Wanner & Knipscheer 1951 from the Early Jurassic of the Indonesian island of Seram is small and strongly costate with a high beak on the ventral valve. It also appears to belong to Spiriferina as understood here. World distribution of Spiriferina and of other Jurassic spiriferinide genera recognised from Zealandia is shown in Fig. 6.

Two Zealandian species are included in Spiriferina, one of moderately large size and one small.


Published as part of Macfarlan, Donald Alexander Bankier, 2023, Latest Triassic and Early Jurassic Spiriferinida (Brachiopoda) of Zealandia (New Zealand and New Caledonia), pp. 1-58 in Zootaxa 5277 (1) on page 8, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5277.1.1,


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Spiriferina d'Orbigny, 1847 sec. Macfarlan, 2023


  • d'Orbigny, A. (1847) Considerations zoologiques et geologiques sur les brachiopodes ou palliobranches, parts 1 - 2. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, Paris, Series 2, 25 (5 & 7), 193 - 195 & 266 - 269. [also published in Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Series 3, 8, 241 - 270]
  • Sowerby, J. de C. (1823) s. n. In: The Mineral Conchology of Great Britain. Vol. 4. Published by the author, London, pp. 115 - 160, pls. 384 - 406.
  • Dall, W. H. (1877) Index to the names which have been applied to the subdivisions of the class Brachiopoda. United States National Museum Bulletin, 8, 1 - 88.
  • Davidson, T. (1851) British Fossil Brachiopoda, Oolitic and Liasic species. Vol. 1. Part 3. No. 1. Palaeontographical Society, London, 64 pp, 13 pls. https: // doi. org / 10.1080 / 02693445.1851.12088365
  • von Schlotheim, E. F. (1822) Nachtragen zur Petrefactenkunde. Erklarung der Kupfertafeln. s. n., Gotha, 114 pp., 5 figs., 37 pls.
  • Rousselle, L. (1977) Spiriferines du Lias moyen et superieur au Maroc (Rides Prerifaines; Moyen Atlas) et en Espagne (Chaine Celtiberique orientale): Notes du Service Geologique du Maroc, 38, 153 - 175.
  • Baeza-Carratala, J. F., Mancenido, M. O. & Garcia Joral, F. (2016) Cisnerospira (Brachiopoda, Spiriferinida), an atypical Early Jurassic spire bearer from the Subbetic Zone (SE Spain) and its significance. Journal of Paleontology, 90 (6), 1081 - 1099. https: // doi. org / 10.1017 / jpa. 2016.109
  • MacKinnon, D. I. (1974) The shell structure of Spiriferide Brachiopoda. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Geology, 25 (3), 87 - 261, 32 pls.
  • Ager, D. V. (1994) Brachiopod stratigraphy in the Jurassic. [Distribution stratigraphique des brachiopodes dans le Jurassique]. GEOBIOS, 17, 57 - 68. https: // doi. org / 10.1016 / S 0016 - 6995 (94) 80125 - 8
  • Almeras, Y. & Cougnon, M. (2013) Les Brachiopodes jurassiques (Spiriferida et Rhynchonellida) Principaux genres et leur evolution. Les especes, extension verticals et repartitions geographiques. Documents des Laboratoires de Geologie, Lyon, 170, 1 - 227, 17 pls.
  • Siblik M. (1999) New data on the Hettangian brachiopod fauna of the Northern Calcareous Alps (Austria, Bavaria). Abhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 56 (2), 419 - 438.
  • Almeras, Y., Elmi, S. & Faure, F. (2007) Les Brachiopodes Liasiques d'Algerie Occidentale. Documents des Laboratoires de Geologie, Lyon 163, 241 pp., 62 fig., 28 fig. b. t., 51 tabl., 11 pl.
  • Rosenkrantz, A. (1934) The Lower Jurassic Rocks of East Greenland Part 1. Meddelelser Om Gronland, 110 (1), 4 - 122.
  • Mancenido, M. O. (1981) A revision of Early Jurassic Spiriferinidae (Brachiopoda. Spiriferida) from Argentina. In: Volkheimer, W. & Musacchio, E. (Eds.), Cuencas Sedimentarias del Jurasico y Cretacico de America del Sur. Vol. 2. Comite Sudamericano del Jurasico y Cretacico, Buenos Aires, pp. 625 - 660.
  • Damborenea, S. E. & Mancenido, M. O. (1992) A comparison of Jurassic marine benthonic faunas from South America and New Zealand. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 22 (2), 131 - 152. https: // doi. org / 10.1080 / 03036758.1992.10420811