Published May 2, 2023 | Version v1
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Maculature documentarie dall'Archivio Arcivescovile di Bologna: un approccio alla loro metadatazione


Attention to manuscript fragments has traditionally been oriented towards sources from codices, but in recent years more and more studies have shown that documents have also been frequently discarded and reused. The census of reused fragments in progress at the Archiepiscopal General Archives of Bologna has made it possible to detect a large percentage of documentary fragments discarded and reused as poor bookbinding material. Some of these have been cataloged in Fragmentarium database, which is certainly the most important and accurate tool for metadating fragmentary sources but has some descriptive limits for charters. The experience of the Archiepiscopal Archive will act as a case study for these kinds of sources that, sometimes, need diversified criteria for their description and cataloging.



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978-88-97099-84-0 (ISBN)
978-88-97099-85-7 (ISBN)
2533-1558 (ISSN)
2533-1744 (ISSN)