Published May 31, 2023 | Version v1
Report Open

Language learning and migrant 'integration' in Scotland: exploring infrastructure, provision and experiences. Final Project Report.

  • 1. University of Glasgow


This report outlines the findings of the research project ‘Language learning and migrant 'integration' in Scotland: exploring infrastructure, provision and experiences’ (2019-23). The project focuses on ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages), defined as English language education for adult learners aged 16+ (Scottish Government and Education Scotland 2015), although we also explore initiatives not branded as ESOL but related to language learning and/or migrants’ socio-cultural integration.

In this qualitative study, we explored the complex landscape of ESOL provision in Scotland through a comparison between Glasgow, Aberdeen city and Aberdeenshire, and considered the perspectives of diverse ESOL providers, decision-makers, practitioners and learners. The research took place in 2020-21; a time when ESOL provision in Scotland was undergoing significant changes in terms of governance, funding and organisation of provision.

